Sunday, July 6, 2014

Scaling back

I have been feeling very run down lately.  I think I have been doing too much lately.  A number of people have told me to slow down and relax a little.  Sometimes if you aren't listening to your own body, you have to listen to your loved ones.  They know you well enough, and can see you in a different light.  They will see things that you may not.

In an effort to find a little more time in my week, I have decided to scale back a little with my yoga classes.  Right now, I have students on Fridays, but not Mondays.  Since I started teaching, I have been showing up on Monday nights in the chance that I might have students.  It takes time out of my evening that I could be using to do some other things.  Consequently, I have decided that I won't be at the studio unless I know for sure that I will have a student.

Technology allows communication to be much easier now.  Students and potential students can text me, email me, or message me on Facebook to let me know that they are interested or will be there for class.

I look forward to seeing my students each week, but it is very hard to sit for twenty to thirty minutes waiting for no students and then drive home.  I hope this helps me relax a little.

Namaste my friends.


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