Another list for you to peruse. Maybe you will find some inspiration here.
1. Practice, practice, practice.
2. It will get easier. I used to not really be able to do a plank. Now I can do it for a number of seconds. Side plank on the the other hand needs more work.
3. Setting the intention to let things go is a good idea for practice. I can't control everything, and I need to let go of that which does not serve me.
4. I still need to work my hips more, but Pigeon is pretty fabulous for that.
5. I am stronger than I think I am. Doing Cresent Lunge and twisting is a great mental strength builder. I think I can, I think I can, I know I can.
6. Boat pose is still really hard for me. I need to keep working on my lower abs. Wheel of Karma, here I come!
7. I am really glad I ordered a new mat. My current one is starting to fall apart. That's what you get for buying a cheap one. Sometimes you get what you pay for. It served me well though, for how much I used it.
8. I still need to do reclined twists more. It hurts so good!
9. I should really take up a little bit of meditation. That, I think, is my next step.
10. I am still very interested in becoming a yoga instructor.
Namaste my friends,
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