Friday, February 21, 2014

Third Chakra

So far, through the few classes I've had on the chakras I haven't really found anything I am connected too.  I keep waiting for the right thing to pop out, but so far nothing has.

This third chakra is is the navel chakra and is called Manipura.  It is located at the navel or solar plexus.  The color associated with this one is yellow and the element associated with it is Fire.  This chakra is where we find out willpower and self-mastery, our self esteem, the ego.

When this one is balanced, one might find a healthy digestion and liver function, a strong core, stable blood pressure and vitality.  One might also find good discipline and self-responsibility, and that you are able to manifest your desires and like yourself.  If this chakra is out of balance you might find ulcres or gall stones, heartburn, diabetes, eating and digestive disorders, or adrenal burnout.  One might also feel stress, victimized, anger, guilt , poor self-esteem, jealousy, or even over controlling.

To try to balance this chakra one can use the Breath of Fire for pranayama work, or chant the word Ram. The mandala to focus on is given to the right (link).  You could try exercising, heated yoga, spending time in the sun, socializing, or working on a problem at hand.  You could even meditate in the sun.

Different asanas that you can use include Warrior II, Floor Bow, Challenging Twists, Boat, and setting the navel point.

Love and light,


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Second Chakra

The second chakra is the sacral chakra.  It is also called Svadisthana.  This chakra is located in the lower abdomen and genitals.  The element associated with this chakra is water and the color associated with it is orange.  This chakra brings pleasure, desire, creation and procreation to ones life.

When this chakra is in balance, one can experience a normal sex drive, a strong lower back, good circulation, and hormonal balance, creativity, sensuality, enthusiasm, devotion and charisma.  When it is out of balance, one might experience kidney and bladder conditions, reproductive disorders, an abnormal sex drive, obsession with oneself or money, or a creative block.

If this chakra is out of balance, there are many ways to work on getting it back in balance.  One can use a specific pranayama technique called Nadi Shodhana, which is alternate nostril breathing.  There is focusing on the mandala at the right (link). One might chant the word Vam and meditate.  One could try more physical activities such as swimming, giving or receiving a massage, taking a bath, or even doing something more creative.

Finally, the poses that one might do in yoga that would help balance this chakra include twists and pelvic rotations, cat/cows, frog, reclining bound angle, and omega pose.

Namaste my friends,


Monday, February 3, 2014

First Chakra

This last week we started learning about the chakras.  There are 7 major ones that run along the spine.  The first one is the root chakra or Muladhara.  It is located at the base of the spine, and usually has a red to brown color.

Muladhara is associated with the Earth element, survival, grounding, instincts, the sense of self, and belonging.

When this chakra is balanced one can experience bowel regularity, a strong lower back, endurance, acceptance, calmness, security, and stability.  When it is out of balance one can experience knee problems, weight issues, constipation, sciatica, rigidity, resentment, insecurity, panic, fear, feeling unsupported or ungrounded.

If one is feeling unbalance here, he or she can work on becoming more balanced through meditation, asana (yoga poses), pranayama (breath), chanting,  mandala focus (visual), and exercise.

Through meditation, one would focus on grounding and rooting.  With pranayama, one might focus on the breath and extend the length of exhalation.  The mandala to focus on would be the image provided above (link). Chanting would use the word Lam.  Different types of exercise or activity might include stomping, kicking, jumping, running, sleeping, and being with nature.

Finally, the yoga poses one might use include bridge, locust, head to knee, table, yogic squat, and corpse pose.  Anything that might provide rooting or grounding.  Balance poses might seem counter-intuitive, but they are great for this as well, as one has to root into the earth to remain stable.

Until later,
