Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A yoga mat review

I received this mat for an honest review:

 The cost is just under $45 so I would expect it to be better than my other mats that I have bought from ROSS.  It is slightly thicker than other mats that I have tried. The cushion it provided was very nice, especially for my knees.  I really like that part of it.

However, I found that it was very slippery.  In Downward dog, my hands were sliding out.  In Warrior II, my back foot wanted to slide away from me.  To me, that is extremely unappealing.

Yes, I used this only two times, but I wanted to test it out in a heated room.  I have not had the opportunity to try using my mat towel, but I haven't really had to use it before when I have done any heated yoga.

A lot of other people gave extremely positive reviews.  Maybe it just doesn't work with my skin and oils.  I'm not sure.  All I know is I didn't like the instability I felt and I am glad that I actually did not spend that much money on the thing.



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